What causes eczema to start?

What causes eczema to start?

Introduction You may have heard that eczema is caused by a host of different factors, from allergies to stress. But what are the real causes of ecz...

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What does body butter do?

What does body butter do?

Introduction What is body butter? Body butter is a moisturizer that's thicker than lotion and less greasy than oil. It's perfect for keeping skin s...

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Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

What is the best skin care routine for aging skin? As we get older, our skin tends to lose its firmness and elasticity. The good news is that ther...

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What Is Eczema?

What Is Eczema?

Chances are, you've heard of eczema before, but you might not know exactly what it is. Eczema is a type of skin condition that results in patches o...

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